Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Two Ways Restoring Virginity

Virginity in our society was regarded as something very important in the body of a woman, considered holy, and the price of a woman. However, how about this one thing missing? lost not because of the wishes of the woman, lost because of something or another. How do I renew it?
At least, there are two ways how to restore a woman's virginity. that is by surgery and if you are afraid of surgery, you can perform a special exercise to tighten your vaginal muscles.

Surgery is the most appropriate way to restore a woman's virginity. This operation is an operation to restore the hymenal ring. Usually the gynecologe can do this at their place of practice and conduct of local anesthesia. Indeed it is hard to find in Indonesia, most people who want to operate again they virginity, they prefer to do it in our neighboring country of Singapore.

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Natural Cures for Diabetes - Safe Way to Control Diabetes

Most physicians will tell you there is no cure for diabetes. However, some people believe there are natural cures for diabetes. Diabetes is a disease in which the pancreas does not produce the needed amount of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that naturally turns sugars into energy in your body. Without the production of insulin, your body is not able to turn sugars into the energy that your body needs and these sugars stay in your blood, which makes your kidneys have to work harder than normal. The sugars are then washed from your body in your urine. One of the most common symptoms of diabetes is frequent urination. Over time, if left untreated, diabetes can put you at a higher risk for disease such as heart disease and stroke. It is important for you to learn to control your diabetes. Many diabetes natural cures can be added to a healthy diet and can help you to control the symptoms of diabetes. Although, many people feel the diabetes has been cured, the changes in your diet must be followed throughout your life in order to prevent the onset of diabetes symptoms.

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

3 Kg Worms Boy Released From the Body

Wow terrible news but at the same time provide the knowledge for you .. Imagine if there was 3kg worms in our body ... ihhh horror dong ... read more curious in the Modern Magazine Online

In one hospital in Bandung Came a boy aged around 10 years to the hospital emergency room with complaints TSB could not defecate for four days aka BAB .. Patients already bloated belly & look great ...

Diagnosis of Obstructive ileus as is (Obstruction of the small intestine) Jump aja we prepare operations into convulsions satu2nya way is by surgery.

After anesthesia walk, opened the boy's abdomen, apparently ......

Tips: How to Delay Orgasm For Men

Intimate relationships should be a mix of harmony between women and men, but often this is not accomplished either because women who never reach orgasm or men who ejaculate too fast.
ilustrasi menunda orgasmeThe average man does not survive more than three minutes when they make direct penetration during sexual intercourse with a partner last longer when it is not impossible if it was first prepared both physically and minds. Let's try to practice with the following trick ..

Intimate relationship is an enjoyable activity that provides many kenikmatian caused so much sensation that usually ends with a sigh or breath beat fast.
Sigh not a good thing to do if you want to delay orgasm. So, kontrolah breath and slowly remove it, add the sounds of erotic couples in addition to helping stimulate breathing also can delay ejaculation.

5 tips how to sharpen the vision of healthy and beautiful eyes

A healthy and beautiful eyes honey if need hampered by glasses. Eye disease that has keterbatasn visibility quite disturbing. Use of contact lenses were not always good. What should be used to assist a clearer vision?

You may be one person in the eye disorder. Must use a tool if you want to see long distances. Today was no little kids who use glasses to see. Not only because of the age factor only people megngunakan glasses but also because the retina is no longer catch the eye shadow properly.

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

What should we do if there is a poisonous snake bite


What should we do if there is a poisonous snake bite people? Modern Online nihmajalah try to give tips on what to do ... hopefully useful ...

Here's some tips P3K if you or your friend the snake bitten ...

2.Safe rescuer and victim position
Especially from other hazards such as snake bite "again", a steep location, etc.. If self-bitten, take the safe position, away from the snake.
Make the dressing 3.Imobilisasi elastisdi patients and the bite wound to stop and slow the heart rate could lead to
4.relax victim, not a lot to do activities / strenuous movements and accelerate the heart rate
5.know snake bite (VITAL and IMPORTANT STEP!)
If you can identify the snake, adjust the rescue actions in accordance with his character could effect on humans.



One point, a medical doctor tells of China's elderly patients that the treatment of China's opinion can not be equated with modern herbal medicine. Drugs currently contains dozens of ingredients, while many prescription medications China, such as ginseng, contains only one ingredient.
A translator who has been working on an oral translation for many years felt the body vital energy shortages and often feel weak, even to the point of difficulty speaking. He has been taking medication but have not yet seen much progress. Then he consulted with a medical doctor who told her to China to suck a piece of ginseng in its mouth. By doing so, the symptoms that he felt disappeared.
Why are medicines that contain a number of these ingredients can not do like that done by a piece of ginseng?

Onion Benefit



Europeans have been using garlic since the Bronze Age, but the possibility of onions from West Asia or Central Asia.
Pentateuch, the oldest parts of the Bible, even has a note of the onion and garlic. Name "onion", which means onion comes from the era of the late Latin"cepa, "or derivative words,"cepolla. "
Onions can be dual function, either as vegetables or herbs. Most of the foods around the world add onions in many dishes. The Austrians, for instance, consumes an average of six kilograms of onions per person each year.

Kissing Benefits (21th +)

http://www.info-penting.co.cc/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/kiss22xg1.jpgFor this one article online magazine editor who apologized profusely ... * for the online magazine is not intended to teach you to kiss but merely provides an information, I hope this information is not in any mean and could be useful for us all ....

If you think a kiss is not more than just a "romantic handshake". entered a small study by the Russians who showed that a kiss is more than just opening the gates of romantic expression. Here is some of the remarkable effects of a great kiss will happen to you!

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Two Ways Restoring Virginity

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 06.20 2 komentar
Virginity in our society was regarded as something very important in the body of a woman, considered holy, and the price of a woman. However, how about this one thing missing? lost not because of the wishes of the woman, lost because of something or another. How do I renew it?
At least, there are two ways how to restore a woman's virginity. that is by surgery and if you are afraid of surgery, you can perform a special exercise to tighten your vaginal muscles.

Surgery is the most appropriate way to restore a woman's virginity. This operation is an operation to restore the hymenal ring. Usually the gynecologe can do this at their place of practice and conduct of local anesthesia. Indeed it is hard to find in Indonesia, most people who want to operate again they virginity, they prefer to do it in our neighboring country of Singapore.

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Natural Cures for Diabetes - Safe Way to Control Diabetes

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 21.03 1 komentar
Most physicians will tell you there is no cure for diabetes. However, some people believe there are natural cures for diabetes. Diabetes is a disease in which the pancreas does not produce the needed amount of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that naturally turns sugars into energy in your body. Without the production of insulin, your body is not able to turn sugars into the energy that your body needs and these sugars stay in your blood, which makes your kidneys have to work harder than normal. The sugars are then washed from your body in your urine. One of the most common symptoms of diabetes is frequent urination. Over time, if left untreated, diabetes can put you at a higher risk for disease such as heart disease and stroke. It is important for you to learn to control your diabetes. Many diabetes natural cures can be added to a healthy diet and can help you to control the symptoms of diabetes. Although, many people feel the diabetes has been cured, the changes in your diet must be followed throughout your life in order to prevent the onset of diabetes symptoms.

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

3 Kg Worms Boy Released From the Body

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 05.09 0 komentar

Wow terrible news but at the same time provide the knowledge for you .. Imagine if there was 3kg worms in our body ... ihhh horror dong ... read more curious in the Modern Magazine Online

In one hospital in Bandung Came a boy aged around 10 years to the hospital emergency room with complaints TSB could not defecate for four days aka BAB .. Patients already bloated belly & look great ...

Diagnosis of Obstructive ileus as is (Obstruction of the small intestine) Jump aja we prepare operations into convulsions satu2nya way is by surgery.

After anesthesia walk, opened the boy's abdomen, apparently ......

Tips: How to Delay Orgasm For Men

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 05.07 0 komentar
Intimate relationships should be a mix of harmony between women and men, but often this is not accomplished either because women who never reach orgasm or men who ejaculate too fast.
ilustrasi menunda orgasmeThe average man does not survive more than three minutes when they make direct penetration during sexual intercourse with a partner last longer when it is not impossible if it was first prepared both physically and minds. Let's try to practice with the following trick ..

Intimate relationship is an enjoyable activity that provides many kenikmatian caused so much sensation that usually ends with a sigh or breath beat fast.
Sigh not a good thing to do if you want to delay orgasm. So, kontrolah breath and slowly remove it, add the sounds of erotic couples in addition to helping stimulate breathing also can delay ejaculation.

5 tips how to sharpen the vision of healthy and beautiful eyes

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 05.05 0 komentar
A healthy and beautiful eyes honey if need hampered by glasses. Eye disease that has keterbatasn visibility quite disturbing. Use of contact lenses were not always good. What should be used to assist a clearer vision?

You may be one person in the eye disorder. Must use a tool if you want to see long distances. Today was no little kids who use glasses to see. Not only because of the age factor only people megngunakan glasses but also because the retina is no longer catch the eye shadow properly.

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

What should we do if there is a poisonous snake bite

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 21.56 0 komentar

What should we do if there is a poisonous snake bite people? Modern Online nihmajalah try to give tips on what to do ... hopefully useful ...

Here's some tips P3K if you or your friend the snake bitten ...

2.Safe rescuer and victim position
Especially from other hazards such as snake bite "again", a steep location, etc.. If self-bitten, take the safe position, away from the snake.
Make the dressing 3.Imobilisasi elastisdi patients and the bite wound to stop and slow the heart rate could lead to
4.relax victim, not a lot to do activities / strenuous movements and accelerate the heart rate
5.know snake bite (VITAL and IMPORTANT STEP!)
If you can identify the snake, adjust the rescue actions in accordance with his character could effect on humans.


Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 21.54 0 komentar

One point, a medical doctor tells of China's elderly patients that the treatment of China's opinion can not be equated with modern herbal medicine. Drugs currently contains dozens of ingredients, while many prescription medications China, such as ginseng, contains only one ingredient.
A translator who has been working on an oral translation for many years felt the body vital energy shortages and often feel weak, even to the point of difficulty speaking. He has been taking medication but have not yet seen much progress. Then he consulted with a medical doctor who told her to China to suck a piece of ginseng in its mouth. By doing so, the symptoms that he felt disappeared.
Why are medicines that contain a number of these ingredients can not do like that done by a piece of ginseng?

Onion Benefit

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 21.53 0 komentar



Europeans have been using garlic since the Bronze Age, but the possibility of onions from West Asia or Central Asia.
Pentateuch, the oldest parts of the Bible, even has a note of the onion and garlic. Name "onion", which means onion comes from the era of the late Latin"cepa, "or derivative words,"cepolla. "
Onions can be dual function, either as vegetables or herbs. Most of the foods around the world add onions in many dishes. The Austrians, for instance, consumes an average of six kilograms of onions per person each year.

Kissing Benefits (21th +)

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 21.52 0 komentar
http://www.info-penting.co.cc/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/kiss22xg1.jpgFor this one article online magazine editor who apologized profusely ... * for the online magazine is not intended to teach you to kiss but merely provides an information, I hope this information is not in any mean and could be useful for us all ....

If you think a kiss is not more than just a "romantic handshake". entered a small study by the Russians who showed that a kiss is more than just opening the gates of romantic expression. Here is some of the remarkable effects of a great kiss will happen to you!
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