Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

Onion Benefit



Europeans have been using garlic since the Bronze Age, but the possibility of onions from West Asia or Central Asia.
Pentateuch, the oldest parts of the Bible, even has a note of the onion and garlic. Name "onion", which means onion comes from the era of the late Latin"cepa, "or derivative words,"cepolla. "
Onions can be dual function, either as vegetables or herbs. Most of the foods around the world add onions in many dishes. The Austrians, for instance, consumes an average of six kilograms of onions per person each year.
Onion varieties is very much on the shape, color and taste. Mild onion flavor of Spain is ideally suited for grilled meats, as raw ingredients (in a mixture with other vegetables, to add to taste). Shallot even lighter, and is primarily used in salads.
Onions with a strong garlic flavor and unique aroma is very desirable to give flavor to food. And, do not forget the green onion, leek and garlic in another type.
Sharpness comes from the characteristic garlic-containing sulfur content of oil. Vegetables that contain high sugar content (up to 8%) proved capable of providing flavor to the dish sweet and delicious cuisine. Onions are presented as almost free of fat vegetable dishes, and also contains minerals and vitamins with a high percentage. Can also increase your metabolism.
Onions can be regarded as a plant antibiotic, because of its ability to kill germs and prevent inflammation of the mouth and digestive system. Some sources even consider garlic has the ability to heal, in this case like a mild heart disease, blood clots and cancer prevention. In general, the onions can withstand the increase in blood sugar, works to lower cholesterol and antioxidant properties.
Onion beneficial for overall digestive system. Vegetables (from green onions), stimulate the appetite and help develop the production of stomach, internal organs and bile. Onions can be launched toilet art, and can improve bladder function.
Onion has an interesting attraction in the (cell) skin, and can help heal wounds, including a mild infection in general, insect bites, minor burns, cut, boil and boil lightly for a moment. When symptoms of cold, flu or snuffles, onions can be used as a deterrent, and can alleviate mild cough and sore throat.
Onions are a healthy vegetable that can also be served or eaten as a tonic juice, to effect a cure.
Onion juice can be made as follows: take one small onion seeds, peeled and chopped, mixed with two tablespoons of honey and ½ cup water. Heat slowly to boiling for five minutes.
Once mixture boils, stirring, remove from heat, let sit for five hours, until completely cold.
Strain the pulp. Drink the water one tablespoon, three times a day, for the prevention of influenza, or for health benefits in general.
In the way of presentation, can be expressed mentahan onion, fried or sauteed with a little oil.

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Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

Onion Benefit

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 21.53



Europeans have been using garlic since the Bronze Age, but the possibility of onions from West Asia or Central Asia.
Pentateuch, the oldest parts of the Bible, even has a note of the onion and garlic. Name "onion", which means onion comes from the era of the late Latin"cepa, "or derivative words,"cepolla. "
Onions can be dual function, either as vegetables or herbs. Most of the foods around the world add onions in many dishes. The Austrians, for instance, consumes an average of six kilograms of onions per person each year.
Onion varieties is very much on the shape, color and taste. Mild onion flavor of Spain is ideally suited for grilled meats, as raw ingredients (in a mixture with other vegetables, to add to taste). Shallot even lighter, and is primarily used in salads.
Onions with a strong garlic flavor and unique aroma is very desirable to give flavor to food. And, do not forget the green onion, leek and garlic in another type.
Sharpness comes from the characteristic garlic-containing sulfur content of oil. Vegetables that contain high sugar content (up to 8%) proved capable of providing flavor to the dish sweet and delicious cuisine. Onions are presented as almost free of fat vegetable dishes, and also contains minerals and vitamins with a high percentage. Can also increase your metabolism.
Onions can be regarded as a plant antibiotic, because of its ability to kill germs and prevent inflammation of the mouth and digestive system. Some sources even consider garlic has the ability to heal, in this case like a mild heart disease, blood clots and cancer prevention. In general, the onions can withstand the increase in blood sugar, works to lower cholesterol and antioxidant properties.
Onion beneficial for overall digestive system. Vegetables (from green onions), stimulate the appetite and help develop the production of stomach, internal organs and bile. Onions can be launched toilet art, and can improve bladder function.
Onion has an interesting attraction in the (cell) skin, and can help heal wounds, including a mild infection in general, insect bites, minor burns, cut, boil and boil lightly for a moment. When symptoms of cold, flu or snuffles, onions can be used as a deterrent, and can alleviate mild cough and sore throat.
Onions are a healthy vegetable that can also be served or eaten as a tonic juice, to effect a cure.
Onion juice can be made as follows: take one small onion seeds, peeled and chopped, mixed with two tablespoons of honey and ½ cup water. Heat slowly to boiling for five minutes.
Once mixture boils, stirring, remove from heat, let sit for five hours, until completely cold.
Strain the pulp. Drink the water one tablespoon, three times a day, for the prevention of influenza, or for health benefits in general.
In the way of presentation, can be expressed mentahan onion, fried or sauteed with a little oil.

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