Rabu, 28 April 2010

Liver Cancer Can Be Prevented With Early Hepatitis Therapy

Therapy of chronic hepatitis C early on can prevent the progression toward hardening of the liver (cirrhosis) and liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma).
"Infection with hepatitis C can be treated and most curable. Results for a 10-year study showed early treatment may prevent cirrhosis and decreased risk of liver cancer and death. The cost of treatment also could be pressured," said Chairman of the Indonesian Heart Research Association (PPHI) Dr. Superior Budihusodo, SpPD, KGEH.
According to him, hepatitis C therapy is primarily intended to eliminate the virus, stop the progression of the disease and eliminate symptoms of the disease, among others, characterized by distended abdomen, swollen legs and body yellow.

The occurrence of obesity cause Cancer

World Health Organization (World Health Organization / WHO) estimates that 30% of cases of cancer associated with being overweight, obesity and physical inactivity.
"The factors of obesity and lack of physical activity contributes 30% risk of cancer," said Director of Non Communicable Diseases Control Department of Health Yusharmen in Jakarta.
Cancer, characterized by uncontrolled cell growth, is the number two cause of death in the world after cardiovascular disease and, according to WHO data as many as 10 million new cancer cases occur each year.

Selasa, 27 April 2010

10 tips eat for health

Experts agree the key to healthy eating is the time-tested advice of balance, variety and moderation. In short, that means eating a wide variety of foods without getting too many calories or too much of any one nutrient. These 10 tips can help you follow that advice while still enjoying the foods you eat.


  1. Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat,

Senin, 26 April 2010

4 bad habits can age you by 12 years

CHICAGO - Four common bad habits combined — smoking, drinking too much, inactivity and poor diet — can age you by 12 years, sobering new research suggests.
The findings are from a study that tracked nearly 5,000 British adults for 20 years, and they highlight yet another reason to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Overall, 314 people studied had all four unhealthy behaviors. Among them, 91 died during the study, or 29 percent. Among the 387 healthiest people with none of the four habits, only 32 died, or about 8 percent.

Kamis, 22 April 2010

Black Tea Lower Heart Disease Risk

Nutrition experts from the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) said the pattern of consumption of black tea regularly for at least 2 cups daily, can reduce the chance of emergence of coronary heart disease caused by a buildup of cholesterol up to 40%.
"Cholesterol which had been due will accumulate in the blood vessels do not become embedded in the heart blood vessels, because the oxidation process dibuyarkan by anti-oxidant substances in black tea," said Prof. Dr. Ir Ali Khomsan, professor of food and nutrition IPB, in Jakarta.
According to Ali, the antioxidants

Tea, Health Drink '3 In 1 '

Food and nutrition professor from the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ir Ali Khomsan, says tea is a health beverage that needs to go back to the community campaigned for its benefits which regressions.
"The tea, mainly black tea, has three benefits at once or 3 in 1 which contains water, bring antioxidants cathecin, and generate theaflavins which increase the production of natural antioxidants in the body, "said Ali.
According to him, this time the bombastic ads about the health of mineral water as the water slightly to make the image of tea as a health drink to fade.

Walnuts Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

 Eating walnuts allegedly gives the body the essential fatty acids omega-3, anti-oxidants, and phytosterol, a substance that reduces the risk of breast cancer, according to a study presented at the 100th Annual Meeting The 2009 Association for Cancer Research America.
Phytosterol (also called plant sterols) are a group of steroid alcohol, phytochemicals naturally found in plants.
Phytosterol -shaped white powder with a distinctive aroma that can not sting is not soluble in water and soluble in alcohol. These substances has many benefits, such as food additives to reduce cholesterol levels, a

Lack of sleep can cause cancer

 Regular exercise may reduce cancer risk in women, but those benefits could be missed if the woman is sleeping too little, U.S. researchers said on Monday (17/11). Studies involving 5968 women in Maryland confirms previous findings that people who perform regular physical activity face a smaller risk for esophageal cancer.
But when the researchers examined women aged 18 to 65 years of diligent exercise every week, they found that sleep seems to play an important role in cancer risk.

Minggu, 18 April 2010

Tobacco can be used as Cancer Vaccines

Tobacco plant may be used to create cancer vaccine for people who suffer from certain types of lymphoma, chronic, according to a studi.Obat these, which will develop the patient's own immune reaction to fight the tumor cells themselves, made using new approaches that alter the genetic engineered tobacco plants into vaccine factories particular. Lymphoma is a type of cancer involving cells of the immune system.
"This is the first time a type of plant used to produce the protein to be injected to humans,"
said Dr. Ron Levy of Stanford University School of Medicina in California, whose research is published in the journal

Tongue Piercing Heart Health Menace

Lihat Gambar
No matter how interesting something was to be a trend, not always a good thing to do. Piercing once dominated only womankind, now it's not unusual anymore for a man. 
Not only that pierced once only used in the ear, now I can 'roam' to other body parts that have cartilage or soft meat, such as nose, lips, eyebrows up to the tongue. Most people do not realize the danger stud in 'unusual place', an important fashion and slang, but not thinking about the health risks behind it. 

Moreover if the piercing done by those who have no medical background, so that they can not give medication or treatment to prevent post-piercing infection. Piercing the tongue is again ngetrend today is dangerous and a big risk, even can lead to heart disease. As we know, the human mouth contains many millions of bacteria, until the holes in the local tongue piercings will form nests of bacteria, and that's where the bacteria come great opportunity to flow with the blood and eventually causes severe infections can occur, such as Ludwig angina and endocarditis.

Ludwig angina is an acute infection caused by the bacteria Streptococcus, which infects the lining in the floor of the mouth, characterized by swelling that can close the airway.
While endocarditis is an infection of the endokardium (inner lining of the heart) or a serious inflammation of the heart valves, which is one cause of heart disease, since oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream through a wound on the tongue and open the way toward the heart.

Slowly breathe Create Health Benefits

Lihat Gambar
Looks like maybe we can not continually focused on how we breathe. Apart from our childhood our parents are also advised doctors to breathe only through your nose and inhale deeply, all the people form habits of their own breathing, which seemed difficult to alter. And maybe we all have made a serious mistake which few had an impact on our health.

Scientists at the National Institutes of Health has proposed a theory that could be a sensational discovery.

Tea & Honey, Good to Kill Bacteria

Not many realize that regular tea drinking tradition is the ancient British people have a good effect on health. The latest research released earlier in March providing solutions that mix the green tea and honey are proven effective to reduce disease-causing bacteria (pathogens) in the meat we consume.
"The results of our research showed a mixture of jasmine tea and green tea and honey or honey has a high microbial activity," explained research leader Daniel Fung, a professor from Kansas State University.

Tips to prevent breast cancer ..

Month in October is designated as a 'Month of Breast Cancer' seems a good time to reflect on the impact and prevention of a disease that many women feared that.
Several years ago, experts thought that breast cancer is a disease that can not actually be prevented. But now researchers have a lot to know how to prevent it, or at least reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Some attempts to minimize the risk of developing breast cancer can be done medically or naturally (alternative therapies).

Fish, Good for the Heart and Pregnancy

Found not only a tasty fish consumed as a friend to eat. The team of researchers from Harvard University (USA) led by Dr. Albert, has developed a measurement of risk of heart disease based on the level of Omega-3 acid content derived from fish oil.

The result, low omega-3 acids in the blood will make possible increased risk of heart disease. It's no secret that consuming fish oil containing omega-3 acids will protect the heart and reduce the risk of heart attack. Although the process is unknown, but in fact the omega-3 acids capable of stabilizing the flow of blood through the heart.

Tips for determining the sex of the child ..

Determining the sex of the child? Maybe you can, maybe not. Experts also be skeptics (doubtful), but this should not stop parents to determine the sex of their child. Information about the mechanism of this conception spur researchers to examine the theory of this sex. However, none of which are supported by medical experts and even sparked debate among medical.

What are the opinions of experts?

Child sex selection theory makes some couples tend to have sex on a boy chromosomes that carry the sperm moves faster but can not last long as a daughter chromosome though no one study that supports this statement.

Cinnamon and Ginger Potential As Antioxidant and Anti-Microbial

Increasing public awareness of the importance of functional foods, is an opportunity that must not disiakan, including health drinks, where various health drink products sold in the market, making consumers confused in choosing, whether the drink actually made from natural ingredients or harmful chemicals.
Seeing this condition and Hanny Sedarnawati Yasni Dulimarta, researchers from the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) to make a breakthrough health drink, known as Cinna-ale (ginger), as described by the Head of Public Relations of IPB, drh Agus Lelana in Bogor, Tuesday.

Bathroom, Make Fresh and Healthy!

According to a recent study found not only a good bath to cleanse your body of impurities and avoid stress, but the bathroom also has an important role to improve the immune system, helping to avoid skin diseases like eczema and even cure medical problems serius.
one of study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that people with diabetes spend only half an hour to soak in the tub of warm water can lower blood sugar levels around 13 percent.
Separate study in Japan showed 10-minute soak in warm water can improve the heart health of both men and women, helping them lead a better exercise test and reduce pain.
What are the benefits of a bath and how long you should take a bath? Here are some pointers shower fun and healthy:

Removing toxins
A bath of warm water around 32-35 degrees Celsius to open the pores which can help remove toxins. Warm water bath can also help lower blood sugar levels, heal sore muscles and help keep the colon working properly. The recommended time for 10-20 minutes.



Diabetes Mellitus -The Most Common Health Problem


What is diabetes mellitus?
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by high bloodsugar (glucose) levels, which result from defects in insulin secretion, or action, or both. Diabetes mellitus, commonly referred to as diabetes, means "sweet urine." Elevated levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia) lead to spillage of glucose into the urine, hence the term sweet urine. Normally, blood glucose levels are tightly controlled by insulin, a hormone produced bythe pancreas. Insulin lowers the blood glucose level. When the blood glucose elevates (for example, after eating food), insulin is released from the pancreas to normalize the glucose level. In patients with diabetes mellitus, the absence or insufficient production of insulin causes hyperglycemia. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic medical condition, meaning it can last a lifetime.

Cancer The Silent Killer

The common name for a malignant neoplasm or tumor. Neoplasms are new growths and can be divided into benign and malignant types, although in some instances the distinction is unclear. The most important differentiating feature is that a malignant tumor will invade surrounding structures and metastasize (spread) to distant sites whereas a benign tumor will not. Other distinctions between benign and malignant growth include the following: malignancies but not benign types are composed of highly atypical cells; malignancies tend to show more rapid growth than benign neoplasms, and are composed, in part, of cells showing frequent mitotic activity; and malignant tumors tend to grow progressively without self-limitation. See also Mitosis; Tumor.

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Similar to the HIV Virus Found In Meat Animal Forest

New York,Meat forest animals such as monkeys, bats and rodents consumed a lot of people. But should be careful to consume animal-free in the forest because there are findings of animal flesh contains a virus similar to HIV.

Demand for forest wildlife meat is high enough so that many are exported to developed countries. Forest animals imported meat is often preserved or smoked for entry into developed countries like the United States through the postal and shipping containers.

How to Avoid Herpes Disease

Many people do not realize that he was infected with herpes virus because it sometimes does not cause symptoms of herpes. How herpes is transmitted and how to avoid it?

There are two types of herpes can infect humans are zooster herpes (shingles), which look like small pox and genital herpes (herpes simplex).

Both diseases are caused by different viral infections. If the disease is caused by a virus zooster herpes varicella-zoster virus (VZV), herpes genital herpes caused by HSV 2 (Herpes Simplex Virus 2). Both these diseases are different, but both are a contagious disease.

Blood vessel constriction Cured Without Surgery

PCI Process (dok. detikHealth)
Jakarta, Patient narrowing of blood vessels in the left coronary artery (Main Left/ LM) is usually recommended for heart bypass operation. But without the need for surgery, the problem of narrowing of blood vessels can now be overcome.

And Indonesia has become one of the few countries in Asia that is able to handle the narrowing of heart arteries Main Left without surgery. With no surgery, the cost becomes cheaper and more patients undergo unnecessary hospitalization.

8 Difficult Descent Preventable Diseases

Jakarta,each person would have wanted the body healthy and free from all diseases. But some specific diseases can not be prevented because the existence of genetic diseases including inherited.

Hereditary disease is a genetic disorder inherited from parents to their children. But there are parents who only act as a bearer of properties (carrier) alone and the disease appear until triggered by environment and lifestyle.

Interfaith Marriage Blood Group

Sometimes in a household incurred a problem between husband and wife only because of the blood group of children, and unfortunately in our society do not understand some of the blood of marriage between one faction faction of the other. They argue that children should have the exact same blood type with exactly the same mother or father. Whereas the one hand it is true but also wrong because one side does not always follow the child's blood type parents, but kids will bring the nature of the genetic parents.

Blood is also an important element in the human body, as binding as a carrier of oxygen and reduction properties (Genetics) Therefore do not underestimate anything about the blood, because in addition to the above functions of the blood can also be a means of transportation for the disease to spread or widen the area of infection!

Acne, let's tackle!

Acne can begin from clogged skin pores by dirt mixed with oil (sebum) which normally serves to moisturize the skin & hair. Acne is usually most common in adolescence, which occurs serng hormone spike that makes your skin produce more sebum. Because the oil-producing glands are more numerous on the face around the forehead, nose and chin, then in this area is often also called the T areas, more often arise acne than in other parts.

Their own acne is a common problem experienced by nearly 80% 5% teens & adults. Although there are some people who recover from acne without any permanent effects, but there are also a growing worry about the presence of acne scars. While there are some products that applied to the skin to help improve mild acne scars, acne scars, but is usually handled through a combination of surgical procedures or improving the skin layer.

The story of a child with a rare genetik

Genetic disorders diseases continue to emerge. Someone boy could not speak but not for the deaf gene mutations occur in the body. It increases the X chromosome that makes it so not normal.
Generally speaking boy who can not have the ability to lower muscle in childhood but it is not dangerous because as the growing aging muscles become more developed and stronger.

But not experienced Mackenzie Fox-Byrne, 6-year-old British boy who has the rarest genetic disorder in the world and only he is the only person in the world suffer from this disorder.

Treat Leukemia With Poison!

SHANGHAI, CHINA- China's scientists have demonstrated how arsenic is able to destroy the blood cancer (leukemia), which shut down by looking for specific protein target and kill cancer cells that are still alive. Arsenic itself is dyang favorite murder weapon used in medieval times. This poison is also used intelligence to murder Munir, the Indonesian human rights activist on a Garuda flight to the Hague, the Netherlands some time ago.

"Our study shows how the arsenic directly target the protein and kill them (cancer cells, red)," said Zhang Xiaowei, a researcher Laboratory of Medical Genomics in Shanghai, China, told Reuters.

Sleep HIV virus with the acne drug

Researchers at Johns Hopkins found that a safe and inexpensive antibiotics commonly used to treat acne since the 1970s can make HIV or the virus that causes AIDS was asleep and prevents the virus active again and multiply.
Antibiotic called minocycline may improve current treatment regimens for HIV-infected patients when used in combination drug standards based HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy). New research published online this will be printed in the Journal of Infectious Diseases 15 th edition of April.
"Strong gains using minocycline is that the virus appears less so that they can develop drug resistance because minocycline is in the path of the target cells rather than viral proteins," says Janice Clements, Ph.D., vice dean of faculty and professor of molecular and comparative Pathobiology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, as reported from MedicalNewsToday, Tuesday (23/3/2010).

Rabu, 28 April 2010

Liver Cancer Can Be Prevented With Early Hepatitis Therapy

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.16 0 komentar

Therapy of chronic hepatitis C early on can prevent the progression toward hardening of the liver (cirrhosis) and liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma).
"Infection with hepatitis C can be treated and most curable. Results for a 10-year study showed early treatment may prevent cirrhosis and decreased risk of liver cancer and death. The cost of treatment also could be pressured," said Chairman of the Indonesian Heart Research Association (PPHI) Dr. Superior Budihusodo, SpPD, KGEH.
According to him, hepatitis C therapy is primarily intended to eliminate the virus, stop the progression of the disease and eliminate symptoms of the disease, among others, characterized by distended abdomen, swollen legs and body yellow.

The occurrence of obesity cause Cancer

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.14 0 komentar
World Health Organization (World Health Organization / WHO) estimates that 30% of cases of cancer associated with being overweight, obesity and physical inactivity.
"The factors of obesity and lack of physical activity contributes 30% risk of cancer," said Director of Non Communicable Diseases Control Department of Health Yusharmen in Jakarta.
Cancer, characterized by uncontrolled cell growth, is the number two cause of death in the world after cardiovascular disease and, according to WHO data as many as 10 million new cancer cases occur each year.

Selasa, 27 April 2010

10 tips eat for health

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 22.08 0 komentar
Experts agree the key to healthy eating is the time-tested advice of balance, variety and moderation. In short, that means eating a wide variety of foods without getting too many calories or too much of any one nutrient. These 10 tips can help you follow that advice while still enjoying the foods you eat.


  1. Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat,

Senin, 26 April 2010

4 bad habits can age you by 12 years

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 22.00 0 komentar

CHICAGO - Four common bad habits combined — smoking, drinking too much, inactivity and poor diet — can age you by 12 years, sobering new research suggests.
The findings are from a study that tracked nearly 5,000 British adults for 20 years, and they highlight yet another reason to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Overall, 314 people studied had all four unhealthy behaviors. Among them, 91 died during the study, or 29 percent. Among the 387 healthiest people with none of the four habits, only 32 died, or about 8 percent.

Kamis, 22 April 2010

Black Tea Lower Heart Disease Risk

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.41 0 komentar
Nutrition experts from the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) said the pattern of consumption of black tea regularly for at least 2 cups daily, can reduce the chance of emergence of coronary heart disease caused by a buildup of cholesterol up to 40%.
"Cholesterol which had been due will accumulate in the blood vessels do not become embedded in the heart blood vessels, because the oxidation process dibuyarkan by anti-oxidant substances in black tea," said Prof. Dr. Ir Ali Khomsan, professor of food and nutrition IPB, in Jakarta.
According to Ali, the antioxidants

Tea, Health Drink '3 In 1 '

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.41 0 komentar
Food and nutrition professor from the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Prof. Dr. Ir Ali Khomsan, says tea is a health beverage that needs to go back to the community campaigned for its benefits which regressions.
"The tea, mainly black tea, has three benefits at once or 3 in 1 which contains water, bring antioxidants cathecin, and generate theaflavins which increase the production of natural antioxidants in the body, "said Ali.
According to him, this time the bombastic ads about the health of mineral water as the water slightly to make the image of tea as a health drink to fade.

Walnuts Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.40 0 komentar
 Eating walnuts allegedly gives the body the essential fatty acids omega-3, anti-oxidants, and phytosterol, a substance that reduces the risk of breast cancer, according to a study presented at the 100th Annual Meeting The 2009 Association for Cancer Research America.
Phytosterol (also called plant sterols) are a group of steroid alcohol, phytochemicals naturally found in plants.
Phytosterol -shaped white powder with a distinctive aroma that can not sting is not soluble in water and soluble in alcohol. These substances has many benefits, such as food additives to reduce cholesterol levels, a

Lack of sleep can cause cancer

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.39 0 komentar
 Regular exercise may reduce cancer risk in women, but those benefits could be missed if the woman is sleeping too little, U.S. researchers said on Monday (17/11). Studies involving 5968 women in Maryland confirms previous findings that people who perform regular physical activity face a smaller risk for esophageal cancer.
But when the researchers examined women aged 18 to 65 years of diligent exercise every week, they found that sleep seems to play an important role in cancer risk.

Minggu, 18 April 2010

Tobacco can be used as Cancer Vaccines

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.35 0 komentar
Tobacco plant may be used to create cancer vaccine for people who suffer from certain types of lymphoma, chronic, according to a studi.Obat these, which will develop the patient's own immune reaction to fight the tumor cells themselves, made using new approaches that alter the genetic engineered tobacco plants into vaccine factories particular. Lymphoma is a type of cancer involving cells of the immune system.
"This is the first time a type of plant used to produce the protein to be injected to humans,"
said Dr. Ron Levy of Stanford University School of Medicina in California, whose research is published in the journal

Tongue Piercing Heart Health Menace

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.32 0 komentar
Lihat Gambar
No matter how interesting something was to be a trend, not always a good thing to do. Piercing once dominated only womankind, now it's not unusual anymore for a man. 
Not only that pierced once only used in the ear, now I can 'roam' to other body parts that have cartilage or soft meat, such as nose, lips, eyebrows up to the tongue. Most people do not realize the danger stud in 'unusual place', an important fashion and slang, but not thinking about the health risks behind it. 

Moreover if the piercing done by those who have no medical background, so that they can not give medication or treatment to prevent post-piercing infection. Piercing the tongue is again ngetrend today is dangerous and a big risk, even can lead to heart disease. As we know, the human mouth contains many millions of bacteria, until the holes in the local tongue piercings will form nests of bacteria, and that's where the bacteria come great opportunity to flow with the blood and eventually causes severe infections can occur, such as Ludwig angina and endocarditis.

Ludwig angina is an acute infection caused by the bacteria Streptococcus, which infects the lining in the floor of the mouth, characterized by swelling that can close the airway.
While endocarditis is an infection of the endokardium (inner lining of the heart) or a serious inflammation of the heart valves, which is one cause of heart disease, since oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream through a wound on the tongue and open the way toward the heart.

Slowly breathe Create Health Benefits

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.30 0 komentar
Lihat Gambar
Looks like maybe we can not continually focused on how we breathe. Apart from our childhood our parents are also advised doctors to breathe only through your nose and inhale deeply, all the people form habits of their own breathing, which seemed difficult to alter. And maybe we all have made a serious mistake which few had an impact on our health.

Scientists at the National Institutes of Health has proposed a theory that could be a sensational discovery.

Tea & Honey, Good to Kill Bacteria

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.29 0 komentar
Not many realize that regular tea drinking tradition is the ancient British people have a good effect on health. The latest research released earlier in March providing solutions that mix the green tea and honey are proven effective to reduce disease-causing bacteria (pathogens) in the meat we consume.
"The results of our research showed a mixture of jasmine tea and green tea and honey or honey has a high microbial activity," explained research leader Daniel Fung, a professor from Kansas State University.

Tips to prevent breast cancer ..

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.27 0 komentar
Month in October is designated as a 'Month of Breast Cancer' seems a good time to reflect on the impact and prevention of a disease that many women feared that.
Several years ago, experts thought that breast cancer is a disease that can not actually be prevented. But now researchers have a lot to know how to prevent it, or at least reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Some attempts to minimize the risk of developing breast cancer can be done medically or naturally (alternative therapies).

Fish, Good for the Heart and Pregnancy

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.23 0 komentar
Found not only a tasty fish consumed as a friend to eat. The team of researchers from Harvard University (USA) led by Dr. Albert, has developed a measurement of risk of heart disease based on the level of Omega-3 acid content derived from fish oil.

The result, low omega-3 acids in the blood will make possible increased risk of heart disease. It's no secret that consuming fish oil containing omega-3 acids will protect the heart and reduce the risk of heart attack. Although the process is unknown, but in fact the omega-3 acids capable of stabilizing the flow of blood through the heart.

Tips for determining the sex of the child ..

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.20 0 komentar
Determining the sex of the child? Maybe you can, maybe not. Experts also be skeptics (doubtful), but this should not stop parents to determine the sex of their child. Information about the mechanism of this conception spur researchers to examine the theory of this sex. However, none of which are supported by medical experts and even sparked debate among medical.

What are the opinions of experts?

Child sex selection theory makes some couples tend to have sex on a boy chromosomes that carry the sperm moves faster but can not last long as a daughter chromosome though no one study that supports this statement.

Cinnamon and Ginger Potential As Antioxidant and Anti-Microbial

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 04.33 0 komentar
Increasing public awareness of the importance of functional foods, is an opportunity that must not disiakan, including health drinks, where various health drink products sold in the market, making consumers confused in choosing, whether the drink actually made from natural ingredients or harmful chemicals.
Seeing this condition and Hanny Sedarnawati Yasni Dulimarta, researchers from the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) to make a breakthrough health drink, known as Cinna-ale (ginger), as described by the Head of Public Relations of IPB, drh Agus Lelana in Bogor, Tuesday.

Bathroom, Make Fresh and Healthy!

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 03.56 0 komentar
According to a recent study found not only a good bath to cleanse your body of impurities and avoid stress, but the bathroom also has an important role to improve the immune system, helping to avoid skin diseases like eczema and even cure medical problems serius.
one of study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that people with diabetes spend only half an hour to soak in the tub of warm water can lower blood sugar levels around 13 percent.
Separate study in Japan showed 10-minute soak in warm water can improve the heart health of both men and women, helping them lead a better exercise test and reduce pain.
What are the benefits of a bath and how long you should take a bath? Here are some pointers shower fun and healthy:

Removing toxins
A bath of warm water around 32-35 degrees Celsius to open the pores which can help remove toxins. Warm water bath can also help lower blood sugar levels, heal sore muscles and help keep the colon working properly. The recommended time for 10-20 minutes.


Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 03.24 0 komentar


Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 03.06 0 komentar

Diabetes Mellitus -The Most Common Health Problem

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 00.42 0 komentar

What is diabetes mellitus?
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by high bloodsugar (glucose) levels, which result from defects in insulin secretion, or action, or both. Diabetes mellitus, commonly referred to as diabetes, means "sweet urine." Elevated levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia) lead to spillage of glucose into the urine, hence the term sweet urine. Normally, blood glucose levels are tightly controlled by insulin, a hormone produced bythe pancreas. Insulin lowers the blood glucose level. When the blood glucose elevates (for example, after eating food), insulin is released from the pancreas to normalize the glucose level. In patients with diabetes mellitus, the absence or insufficient production of insulin causes hyperglycemia. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic medical condition, meaning it can last a lifetime.

Cancer The Silent Killer

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 00.39 0 komentar

The common name for a malignant neoplasm or tumor. Neoplasms are new growths and can be divided into benign and malignant types, although in some instances the distinction is unclear. The most important differentiating feature is that a malignant tumor will invade surrounding structures and metastasize (spread) to distant sites whereas a benign tumor will not. Other distinctions between benign and malignant growth include the following: malignancies but not benign types are composed of highly atypical cells; malignancies tend to show more rapid growth than benign neoplasms, and are composed, in part, of cells showing frequent mitotic activity; and malignant tumors tend to grow progressively without self-limitation. See also Mitosis; Tumor.

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Similar to the HIV Virus Found In Meat Animal Forest

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 23.01 0 komentar
New York,Meat forest animals such as monkeys, bats and rodents consumed a lot of people. But should be careful to consume animal-free in the forest because there are findings of animal flesh contains a virus similar to HIV.

Demand for forest wildlife meat is high enough so that many are exported to developed countries. Forest animals imported meat is often preserved or smoked for entry into developed countries like the United States through the postal and shipping containers.

How to Avoid Herpes Disease

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 23.00 0 komentar
Many people do not realize that he was infected with herpes virus because it sometimes does not cause symptoms of herpes. How herpes is transmitted and how to avoid it?

There are two types of herpes can infect humans are zooster herpes (shingles), which look like small pox and genital herpes (herpes simplex).

Both diseases are caused by different viral infections. If the disease is caused by a virus zooster herpes varicella-zoster virus (VZV), herpes genital herpes caused by HSV 2 (Herpes Simplex Virus 2). Both these diseases are different, but both are a contagious disease.

Blood vessel constriction Cured Without Surgery

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 22.59 0 komentar
PCI Process (dok. detikHealth)
Jakarta, Patient narrowing of blood vessels in the left coronary artery (Main Left/ LM) is usually recommended for heart bypass operation. But without the need for surgery, the problem of narrowing of blood vessels can now be overcome.

And Indonesia has become one of the few countries in Asia that is able to handle the narrowing of heart arteries Main Left without surgery. With no surgery, the cost becomes cheaper and more patients undergo unnecessary hospitalization.

8 Difficult Descent Preventable Diseases

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 22.57 0 komentar
Jakarta,each person would have wanted the body healthy and free from all diseases. But some specific diseases can not be prevented because the existence of genetic diseases including inherited.

Hereditary disease is a genetic disorder inherited from parents to their children. But there are parents who only act as a bearer of properties (carrier) alone and the disease appear until triggered by environment and lifestyle.

Interfaith Marriage Blood Group

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.49 0 komentar
Sometimes in a household incurred a problem between husband and wife only because of the blood group of children, and unfortunately in our society do not understand some of the blood of marriage between one faction faction of the other. They argue that children should have the exact same blood type with exactly the same mother or father. Whereas the one hand it is true but also wrong because one side does not always follow the child's blood type parents, but kids will bring the nature of the genetic parents.

Blood is also an important element in the human body, as binding as a carrier of oxygen and reduction properties (Genetics) Therefore do not underestimate anything about the blood, because in addition to the above functions of the blood can also be a means of transportation for the disease to spread or widen the area of infection!

Acne, let's tackle!

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.48 0 komentar
Acne can begin from clogged skin pores by dirt mixed with oil (sebum) which normally serves to moisturize the skin & hair. Acne is usually most common in adolescence, which occurs serng hormone spike that makes your skin produce more sebum. Because the oil-producing glands are more numerous on the face around the forehead, nose and chin, then in this area is often also called the T areas, more often arise acne than in other parts.

Their own acne is a common problem experienced by nearly 80% 5% teens & adults. Although there are some people who recover from acne without any permanent effects, but there are also a growing worry about the presence of acne scars. While there are some products that applied to the skin to help improve mild acne scars, acne scars, but is usually handled through a combination of surgical procedures or improving the skin layer.

The story of a child with a rare genetik

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.37 0 komentar
Genetic disorders diseases continue to emerge. Someone boy could not speak but not for the deaf gene mutations occur in the body. It increases the X chromosome that makes it so not normal.
Generally speaking boy who can not have the ability to lower muscle in childhood but it is not dangerous because as the growing aging muscles become more developed and stronger.

But not experienced Mackenzie Fox-Byrne, 6-year-old British boy who has the rarest genetic disorder in the world and only he is the only person in the world suffer from this disorder.

Treat Leukemia With Poison!

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.36 0 komentar
SHANGHAI, CHINA- China's scientists have demonstrated how arsenic is able to destroy the blood cancer (leukemia), which shut down by looking for specific protein target and kill cancer cells that are still alive. Arsenic itself is dyang favorite murder weapon used in medieval times. This poison is also used intelligence to murder Munir, the Indonesian human rights activist on a Garuda flight to the Hague, the Netherlands some time ago.

"Our study shows how the arsenic directly target the protein and kill them (cancer cells, red)," said Zhang Xiaowei, a researcher Laboratory of Medical Genomics in Shanghai, China, told Reuters.

Sleep HIV virus with the acne drug

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.35 0 komentar
Researchers at Johns Hopkins found that a safe and inexpensive antibiotics commonly used to treat acne since the 1970s can make HIV or the virus that causes AIDS was asleep and prevents the virus active again and multiply.
Antibiotic called minocycline may improve current treatment regimens for HIV-infected patients when used in combination drug standards based HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy). New research published online this will be printed in the Journal of Infectious Diseases 15 th edition of April.
"Strong gains using minocycline is that the virus appears less so that they can develop drug resistance because minocycline is in the path of the target cells rather than viral proteins," says Janice Clements, Ph.D., vice dean of faculty and professor of molecular and comparative Pathobiology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, as reported from MedicalNewsToday, Tuesday (23/3/2010).
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