Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Healthy diet according to blood type ...

Ways to get the body healthy diet increases again. A naturopathic physician from the United States, Dr.Peter J. D'Adamo discover how a diet based on blood type. That said, since everyone has a different blood type, then the food must be consumed differently.

HOW diet was based on findings that D'Adamo lectin or proteins contained in various types of food will produce different effects on each blood type. If it does not fit on a certain blood type, lectin can cause clumping of blood cells. Keeping food intake to match the needs of a particular blood group is also believed to restore the body's systems of care function and improve metabolism. In addition, each blood type tehadap vulnerable or at risk of different types of diseases.

How to diet based on blood groups abroad, particularly in its home country the United States, has been gaining in popularity. In Indonesia, it is still difficult to find people who are experts on this diet or the people who use them.

According to nutritionists and healthy diet with food combining, torch Gunawan, no data about the followers of the diet based on blood type. "I myself only found two people who think they succeeded with this method, by chance an acquaintance of mine. One of his combine this method with food combining. According to him the results so much better, "said the torch.

Explained torch, blood type diets including a relatively new type of diet in the world of nutritional science. In addition to D'Adamo, another party has not done specific research on this diet.

In line with the torch, nutrition expert, dr. Kunkun K. Wiramihardja, MS states are still unfamiliar with the diet based on blood type was. Kunkun estimates, the most understanding in this regard is the naturopath or medical doctor who believes science can be done with medicines and drugs that are natural, both from plants and animals.

"If I see the naturopath is going to stop the disease by maintaining good eating habits and lifestyle. If the diet is associated with a particular disease, there is nothing contradictory," says Kunkun.

That block the heart Kunkun is if people associate with the susceptibility of certain blood groups of a certain type of disease as well. "That's what I do not agree, for example, that blood type B is stronger against heart disease. It needs further research," said Kunkun.

Kunkun make an example, research on heart disease are generally elderly upon their already proven. "This study continues to examine the link between heart disease and blood type could be," said Kunkun. For example, heart patients are grouped according to blood type, which can produce blood-type groups where the most and have heart disease.

"This is not mentioned by him (D'Adamo). Reductio more referring to 'my experience' or by 'experience of my father,'" said Kunkun.


Apart from the still "strange" diet based on blood type, there is no harm in us a peek of this new way. Broadly blood types are grouped into 4 types: A, B, AB, and O.

Owner blood type A are advised to consume a food that contains little lectin. The owners of this blood group has a stomach with low lectin content. If the excessive intake of lectin, are feared to disturb the health of the stomach. In addition, those who are blood group A produces more mucus than other blood types. This situation raises the risk of allergic type diseases, such as asthma, ear infections, and respiratory disorders.

Foods that are recommended is the vegetable group. Animal sources can be obtained from fish and chicken, even this limited amount and frequency. Milk is recommended fermented milk ( yogurt or kefir), cream without fat, natural cheese, eggs in limited quantities (of the type of organic chicken or eggs), fats in limited quantities, nuts such as walnuts, seeds, almonds, natural soy milk. People with blood type A is supposed to reproduce eat vegetables and fresh fruits.

Foods that should be avoided because many contain lectin or foods that can stimulate the body to produce more mucus is white seafood such as squid and white snapper, beef, milk, processed cheese industry, red beans, nuts, Tolo, bread, cookies cookies, cakes, potatoes, cabbage, mangoes, papayas, citrus imports, and bananas. Materials are also processed foods like sausage, corned beef, beef jerky, ham, and bacon, corn oil, peanut oil.

The owner of the blood group B is the opposite type of blood group A. They are allowed to eat animal sources with more servings. But because the owner of the B group are vulnerable to autoimmune diseases and virus attacks, they are encouraged to consume lots of green vegetables are rich in magnesium.

List of allowed foods are beef, sheep, rabbits, fish, all dairy products, except for blue chesse and ice cream, organic eggs and chicken eggs, olive oil is more than one spoon, red rice, white rice broken skin, rice white mashed food from the ingredients of rice or rice flour, oatmeal, rice bran, all kinds of fruit especially pineapple is very good. But there is also a type of fruit consumption should be minimized, that is rich in lectin, such as persimmon, pomegranate, starfruit, and pear.

In addition, he is not allowed, or restrict eating chicken, crab, lobster, shrimp, clams, scalop, mussels, oysters, frog, quail eggs, duck eggs, sesame oil, corn oil, sun seed oil, peanut oil, soybean oil. Limit your consumption also coconut, coconut milk, soy, peanuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, cashews, pistasio, tempeh, tofu soy milk, red bean, peanut Tolo, food from flour, instant noodles, rice, corn, radishes , tomatoes, corn, corn.

Diet blood type AB is the owner of a combination of diet groups A and B. The risk of disease suffered by the sinus, ear infections, and respiratory tract disorders. The following foods are recommended. Seafood, all the eggs (except for a duck egg), fermented milk, olive oil, canola oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, peanuts, all types of vegetables, all kinds except citrus fruits.

For class AB, the prohibition is not too tight, but should limit consumption of beef. lobster, shrimp, squid, yellow tail fish, eels, anchovies, frog. Avoid milk and all dairy products, processed meat. All types of nuts consumed in small increments while observing the reaction. Sesame and sesame oil to be carefully watched. Limit consumption of processed foods such as flour and bread, cakes, cookies, pasta. Avoid also, corn, bean sprouts, mushrooms, radis, and oranges.

Fortunately for the owner of the O blood type who likes meat-dagingan. They may eat as much meat, except processed meat. But this group must compensate by eating lots of vegetables too. May also eat a type of vegetable oil, olive oil, fresh fruit and harbor

Which should be avoided or restricted are cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, mustard greens, pokcoi, bean sprouts, eggplant, mushrooms, and potatoes. Eggs, milk, and beans not too useful anymore because your body has got intake from animal sources. Also wheat and eat processed products is not very useful anymore. For those of you who sensistif, avoid citrus because of the risk poisoning the gut ....

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Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Healthy diet according to blood type ...

Diposting oleh Inisialku_el di 20.30
Ways to get the body healthy diet increases again. A naturopathic physician from the United States, Dr.Peter J. D'Adamo discover how a diet based on blood type. That said, since everyone has a different blood type, then the food must be consumed differently.

HOW diet was based on findings that D'Adamo lectin or proteins contained in various types of food will produce different effects on each blood type. If it does not fit on a certain blood type, lectin can cause clumping of blood cells. Keeping food intake to match the needs of a particular blood group is also believed to restore the body's systems of care function and improve metabolism. In addition, each blood type tehadap vulnerable or at risk of different types of diseases.

How to diet based on blood groups abroad, particularly in its home country the United States, has been gaining in popularity. In Indonesia, it is still difficult to find people who are experts on this diet or the people who use them.

According to nutritionists and healthy diet with food combining, torch Gunawan, no data about the followers of the diet based on blood type. "I myself only found two people who think they succeeded with this method, by chance an acquaintance of mine. One of his combine this method with food combining. According to him the results so much better, "said the torch.

Explained torch, blood type diets including a relatively new type of diet in the world of nutritional science. In addition to D'Adamo, another party has not done specific research on this diet.

In line with the torch, nutrition expert, dr. Kunkun K. Wiramihardja, MS states are still unfamiliar with the diet based on blood type was. Kunkun estimates, the most understanding in this regard is the naturopath or medical doctor who believes science can be done with medicines and drugs that are natural, both from plants and animals.

"If I see the naturopath is going to stop the disease by maintaining good eating habits and lifestyle. If the diet is associated with a particular disease, there is nothing contradictory," says Kunkun.

That block the heart Kunkun is if people associate with the susceptibility of certain blood groups of a certain type of disease as well. "That's what I do not agree, for example, that blood type B is stronger against heart disease. It needs further research," said Kunkun.

Kunkun make an example, research on heart disease are generally elderly upon their already proven. "This study continues to examine the link between heart disease and blood type could be," said Kunkun. For example, heart patients are grouped according to blood type, which can produce blood-type groups where the most and have heart disease.

"This is not mentioned by him (D'Adamo). Reductio more referring to 'my experience' or by 'experience of my father,'" said Kunkun.


Apart from the still "strange" diet based on blood type, there is no harm in us a peek of this new way. Broadly blood types are grouped into 4 types: A, B, AB, and O.

Owner blood type A are advised to consume a food that contains little lectin. The owners of this blood group has a stomach with low lectin content. If the excessive intake of lectin, are feared to disturb the health of the stomach. In addition, those who are blood group A produces more mucus than other blood types. This situation raises the risk of allergic type diseases, such as asthma, ear infections, and respiratory disorders.

Foods that are recommended is the vegetable group. Animal sources can be obtained from fish and chicken, even this limited amount and frequency. Milk is recommended fermented milk ( yogurt or kefir), cream without fat, natural cheese, eggs in limited quantities (of the type of organic chicken or eggs), fats in limited quantities, nuts such as walnuts, seeds, almonds, natural soy milk. People with blood type A is supposed to reproduce eat vegetables and fresh fruits.

Foods that should be avoided because many contain lectin or foods that can stimulate the body to produce more mucus is white seafood such as squid and white snapper, beef, milk, processed cheese industry, red beans, nuts, Tolo, bread, cookies cookies, cakes, potatoes, cabbage, mangoes, papayas, citrus imports, and bananas. Materials are also processed foods like sausage, corned beef, beef jerky, ham, and bacon, corn oil, peanut oil.

The owner of the blood group B is the opposite type of blood group A. They are allowed to eat animal sources with more servings. But because the owner of the B group are vulnerable to autoimmune diseases and virus attacks, they are encouraged to consume lots of green vegetables are rich in magnesium.

List of allowed foods are beef, sheep, rabbits, fish, all dairy products, except for blue chesse and ice cream, organic eggs and chicken eggs, olive oil is more than one spoon, red rice, white rice broken skin, rice white mashed food from the ingredients of rice or rice flour, oatmeal, rice bran, all kinds of fruit especially pineapple is very good. But there is also a type of fruit consumption should be minimized, that is rich in lectin, such as persimmon, pomegranate, starfruit, and pear.

In addition, he is not allowed, or restrict eating chicken, crab, lobster, shrimp, clams, scalop, mussels, oysters, frog, quail eggs, duck eggs, sesame oil, corn oil, sun seed oil, peanut oil, soybean oil. Limit your consumption also coconut, coconut milk, soy, peanuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, cashews, pistasio, tempeh, tofu soy milk, red bean, peanut Tolo, food from flour, instant noodles, rice, corn, radishes , tomatoes, corn, corn.

Diet blood type AB is the owner of a combination of diet groups A and B. The risk of disease suffered by the sinus, ear infections, and respiratory tract disorders. The following foods are recommended. Seafood, all the eggs (except for a duck egg), fermented milk, olive oil, canola oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, peanuts, all types of vegetables, all kinds except citrus fruits.

For class AB, the prohibition is not too tight, but should limit consumption of beef. lobster, shrimp, squid, yellow tail fish, eels, anchovies, frog. Avoid milk and all dairy products, processed meat. All types of nuts consumed in small increments while observing the reaction. Sesame and sesame oil to be carefully watched. Limit consumption of processed foods such as flour and bread, cakes, cookies, pasta. Avoid also, corn, bean sprouts, mushrooms, radis, and oranges.

Fortunately for the owner of the O blood type who likes meat-dagingan. They may eat as much meat, except processed meat. But this group must compensate by eating lots of vegetables too. May also eat a type of vegetable oil, olive oil, fresh fruit and harbor

Which should be avoided or restricted are cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, mustard greens, pokcoi, bean sprouts, eggplant, mushrooms, and potatoes. Eggs, milk, and beans not too useful anymore because your body has got intake from animal sources. Also wheat and eat processed products is not very useful anymore. For those of you who sensistif, avoid citrus because of the risk poisoning the gut ....

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